Hello People of Room 116!
Yesterday we discovered this bug in our yard and it created a frenzy of questions. In the end we realized we had no idea what it could be. Being the excellent scientists we are, we decided to do some research. Our class recorded some of the things we observed about our new discovery:
We found this bug undeground.
It has white stuff on it. - Jesse
It has a pokey mouth. - Aanas
It does not have any wings. - Sharaf
It has a orange head and black eyes - Jesse
It has 6 legs. - Ayesa
It has little hairs on it's legs. -
It has a little head and a big back -
We entered those observations into the old Google machine and found a bug that looked very similar:
Turns out that what we found was a June-bug larvae. Soon to be a June-bug/ June-Beetle:
Great job class! What other things can learn about the creatures that live outside?